More Love Letters

Hem conegut el cas d'un noi que no podrà tornar a caminar per culpa d'un borratxo que anava conduint, li manem molt suport des d'aquí per això hem fet aquesta carta: 

Hi Zaden,

We're students from Apel·les Mestres. This is a highschool from Barcelona (Spain). We are writing to make you happier because we saw that you had a car crash in the website More Love Letters and we're very sad about that.

We want to ask you, how are you right now? Is someone to look after you? Have your parents already reported to the drunk guy?

I'm sure you're a strong kid, so we are sure you'll get healed. You can't surrend now. After that you'll see that you can beat anything in this life when you have the help of your family or friends

We hope you'll fight the consequences of that accident and in the future you will have good times with your family and friends.

Best wishes.

Valeria, Oscar and Raul

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